Adult Climbing Lessons - Intermediate - August
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Adult Climbing Lessons - Intermediate - August
The quest for 6B!
Adult Climbing Lessons - Intermediate
In this we aim to help you push your own limits! Our coaches will help you push passed the first great plateau: 6A.
This course is compsed of three 2 hour classes.
Class 1: Learn to warm up: Both by traversing and starting with the loser levels. Learn to belay with a reverso. Techniques and exercises to help you rise through the difficulty levels.
Class 2: Warm up and stretch to prepare to boulder. Tips and techniques to climb in the overhang and on slabs. Focus will be placed on foot placement and techniques to get the most out of your legs. Stretching with an eye on flexibility.
Class 3: Warm-up. Injury prevention. Learning to apply the techniques previosuly learned to rope climbing. Finding your level and working on projects to push yourself.
€60 - Entry and equipment not included